I am a total beginner. Will the drop in sessions be Ok for me?

Our Wednesday night sessions are designed for ALL levels in mind and do NOT include long runs.

We focus on building strength and stability, technique, core strength and improving speed. And within this, we split people into groups so they are working with runners of the same level.

I’m not a beginner. Will the sessions work for me?

We split the training into different groups based on experience, strength and speed. Don’t worry, we have some fast runners (half marathon in 1 hr 34 anyone?) so you will improve and can work towards smashing your PB.

What is the difference between Weds and Sunday sessions?

Wednesday sessions focus on speed, strength, stability, conditioning work and much more. We always finish at the same place.

Sunday sessions are the days when we work on building distance. These tend to be off-road runs and are not suitable for beginners unless you are following one of our event specific courses and training plans.

I don’t have a car. How will I get to Sunday sessions?

We have an open group Fitbitch Running Club on Facebook where you can liase with members for lifts. Please ask to join us there.

What if I’m really slow on Sunday runs. Will I get left behind?

Our Sunday runs are guided runs where we provide at least one coach and one Running ambassdor (who are runners like you, who have trained with us and now work as motivational supporters/guides) per group.

On flat road runs, no matter what your speed, someone will stay with the sback runner.

On off road runs, we operate a buddy system so that you are always running with someone. However, we have a cut off point for longer distance runs and if you have not made the half way mark for a pace of around 11min miles, our ambassador will take you back to the start.

This means you will still get your training in , as hills work as extra miles anyway, but won’t run the full miles on these routes. You will get to run the full distance during your training though as we also incorproate flat, road running routes for this purpose.

What if I get lost?

All our routes are mapped using ordinance survey maps and GPS and all our running coaches and ambassadors carry phone. We also operate a buddy system so that you never run alone and mark the route as we go.

It is advisable to carry a phone on these routes in case anything happens. We have not lost anyone yet!

What do your race packages include?

Training plans, a free race t-shirts, guided runs, expert tuition, run ambassadors to help motivate you, ongoing online support, the camaraderie of like-minded women training for the same goal and expert, qualified coaches. It does not include race entry fees.

Can I transfer or carry over any sessions or courses that I book?

No. We do not refund or transfer any sessions to a different date or person.

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