Tag Archives: how to run

Strength and conditioning for runners. Wednesday 18th September.

Core for runners

Core for runners

Running is a fantastic form of exercise because all it takes is a pair of trainers.
But the more experienced you become, the more you realise that there is more to it than just plodding along the pavement.
Come to our next training session which will focus on strength and conditioning specifically for runners.
We will focus on legs, core and arm exercises designed to help build strength and improve speed and prevent injury.
This one hour session will mainly be specific exercises rather than a run, and will help give pointers on technique.

Meet Kate (07702983744) on the lawns adjacent to Hove Street by the life guard hut. Parking in King Alfred Centre. Please note, if you are doing our 0-5k BEGINNERS COURSE,  your coach Karen will also be meeting at this place.

TIME: 7.30 pm

Drop in fee: £5 to be paid online – annual members please use your code. Click here


Recruit your muscles – Strength and conditioning. Wednesday 26th June.

Why sit on the bench!

Why sit on the bench!

Common running injuries can result from overuse of the same muscles and repetitive running steps or when starting out as a beginner and building the distance on unconditioned muscles. Combining strength and conditioning with your weekly running has a huge impact on your running progress and helps to avoid injury.

We will be doing specific exercises to improve stabilisation strength for the loading and stance phase of running and also strengthen the muscles needed for proper pelvic position as well as knee and foot alignment. The strength and conditioning exercises will develop the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals and the core muscles.
The intensity and number of repetitions that you will need to be doing is dependent on your current level. So all abilities are welcome and you will be surprised at your progress with running when the muscles are stronger.

MEET: Bottom of Hove Street, near lifeguard hit adjacent to King Alfred car park.
TIME: 7.30pm – 8.30pm
COACH: Kate 07702983744

Wednesday 22nd May. Pace workout.


Training to run at a certain pace or increase your mileage depends on every individual. Wednesday’s pace session will help you determine what pace you can maintain for your target distance and will improve different aspects of your fitness, provide greater opportunity for recovery between training sessions and reduce the risk of injury.

BEGINNERS – As with all our Wednesday sessions this is suitable for everyone. The session is designed to allow for everyone to run however many intervals that meets their ability whilst controlling your pace.

Tough Mudder, Seaford , South Downs Half runners and those wanting to keep up fitness levels – Pace training will help you gain a pb, complete the long distance and keep variety in your training.

Comment below if you are coming along.

MEET AND TIME: 7:30 – 8:30 pm. Bottom of Hove Street, next to the lifeguard hut (opposite  King Alfred car park.) PLEASE NOTE: PARKING SPACES AT KING ALFRED MAY BE FULL DUE TO THE FESTIVAL TENT ON THE LAWNS. PARKING NEAR MARROCCOS IS THE SAME PRICE.


COACH: Kate. 07702983744


Blackberries & Mirabelles, Training Sun 16th, 8.30am



Scenery Sunday – the view from the top

If you ran Firle last week, carry on your running buzz with this fantastic training run this Sunday and don’t let all that training now slip.

As for all those who are training for the Rise 8k, Garda 15k, 30k or marathon, don’t miss climbing the next rung in your running ladder toward your goal on race day.

If you are new to run club but already running four miles or more please feel free to come along. Total beginner? Training starts Sept 26th.

As per your plans we will be offering the following distances: 4, 7 and 15 miles. Those who want to go longer,  the four and seven mile routes are an out and back and easy to navigate to enable you to run further before turning back.

If you are a beginner though, or just returning to running after injury/having a baby/or just having slipped off the running wagon, do not be tempted to run miles longer than you have done recently.

Where will the route go? It will go up to just before Devil’s Dyke, a steady and gradual climb before heading out to Edburton Hill (there’s a clue there somewhere) and returning.

Those going longer, we’ll get most of the hills out of the way with fresh legs before going down to Bramber Castle and back along to Poynings. But keep something in the tank, you’ve got to get back up to the Dyke to go downhill to the end!

For all our runners, it’s blackberry-tastic up there so you may want to bring your tupperware post run to go picking. Those going long, we can fuel our running with nature’s bounty – the mirabelles are out!


Location: Second car park on Devil’s Dyke Road (just before Brighton & Hove Golf Club ) Map here Free parking

15 mile route with Rachael 07855 742195

7 mile & 4 mile route with Melissa, 07984 146016

Running ambassadors, Melanie Anning (short) Karen Russell and Tor Del Federico (medium)




Beginners intro, Weds 18th July, 7.30pm

Which direction will your running take? Take the FitBitch way for good technique, fun and enjoyable running

We have helped introduce hundreds of women to running, including those who swore they’d never be able to run longer than five minutes -er, and some of whom are now marathon runners.

Now be part of our next training group which starts this coming Weds. You can sign up for a package (details on our Training Groups pages) or simply drop in for £5.

If you CAN’T make this session, do not worry you won’t have missed the boat. Our sessions are designed so that ANYONE can take part no matter what your level.

This week’s session though would be great to come to as we will assess your gait and biomechanics. ‘Your what?’ I hear you say.

Simply put, we will look at how your body moves as you run and what this means in terms of where you may have tight muscles, or weak areas which you should work on to help make running easier.

We will also work on technique, all of which is designed to build a strong foundation for running before we start building distance in the coming weeks.

If you have paid for a package – or intend to – you will need to bring a refundable £5 deposit so that we can issue you with a training bracelet to show each time you come to a session as proof of package purchase.

What else do you need? A yoga mat if you have one and a skipping rope, but don’t worry if you don’t have one as we have spares.


There will be further training for non-beginners, posted later in the week.

Location: the grass adjacent to Hove Street, near King Alfred Centre

When: 7.30pm

Coach: Rachael

Beauty of the Downs run, Sun 27th May

Nothing beats a Sunday run on the Downs

Whether you are new to running or an experienced FitBitcher, nothing beats an early summer run on the Downs on a Sunday morning.

Admittedly, where there are the Downs there are hills but with so much more to look at you don’t notice them as much. Besides, the post-Sunday morning endorphins that last way in to Monday make up for it all.

There will be three distances to choose from this week so please read the blog carefully, and comment where you are going to meet us. If you are running late for a meeting place, or change your mind about coming last-minute please TEXT us (don’t call, I’ll be running!). If we don’t hear from you, and you are not at the designated meeting place we won’t wait.

4mile route – a steady uphill, a beautiful down hill with a final sting in the tail back to your car. Meet the second car park on Devil’s Dyke Road at 8.40am

5mile route – same as above with more of the uphill to start. Meet the FIRST car park on Devil’s Dyke Road, just after the road forks (the right is Saddlescombe Road) at 8.30am

8mile route – This will be an out and back route with quite a few hills but a lovely downhill section for those who want to work on their speed and negative split. Er, or those who just want to catch up in the latter half of the run on what’s going on in Homelands. Meet the FIRST car park on Devil’s Dyke Road at 8.30am.

Parking is free. Where is Devil’s Dyke Road? Here…http://g.co/maps/rwrfs

Beginner’s Group will be taken by Tor, our fab running ambassador.

Longer route, Rachael 07855 742195

Drop in: £5

If you can offer a lift, please include in your comment. If you have paid for a package please ensure you wear your membership band or you may have to pay again!

Training run, building distance, Sun 4th March

A run shared is a run that feels half the distance

Come to this Sunday’s training session which is perfect for a whole range of mixed ability runners.

For those training for the BlueBell 10k or beginners who just want to join our Sunday’s runs we will have a three or five mile route to choose from.

Berlin Half Marathon and 25k runners, choose from 8miles or 10miles depending on which training plan you are following.

For beginners, there will be a slight incline but on the road to help you gain confidence and build your strength.

Five miles and beyond, we will be going off road with some hills to help you build strength and endurance. For the BlueBell runners in particular, the route has hills so it’s good to master them with the correct training now.

If you would like to see the route, you can become a friend of FitBitch Running Club on mapmyrun.com. This is only available to those who are on a package, monthly or annual subscription.



Location: Meet in front of the trampolines on King’s Esplanade at the end of St Aubyns  http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=St+aubyns+hove&hl=en&ll=50.826921,-0.176618&spn=0.006682,0.021136&sll=50.826704,-0.178506&sspn=0.006682,0.021136&gl=uk&hnear=St+Aubyns,+Hove,+United+Kingdom&t=m&z=16

Parking: King Alfred Centre car park (2mins walk) or parking meter

Time: 8.30am

Coaches: Rachael 8-10miles

Melissa, 3-5miles

Drop in rate: £5, or pay for a package now which will include a training plan

Running camp for intermediate & advanced: revolutionise your running

Get set, go! Sprint into action

Do you want to become a faster runner, or simply learn new techniques that will revolutionise your running technique?
We are running a one week camp, Mon 8th – Friday 12th August, 6am for intermediate and advanced runners who are looking to improve.
We will be looking at biomechanics and economy of movement, heart rate and lactate threshold training, as well as strength and flexibility for the all rounded, injury free runner.
To be on this course you should be able to run 10k comfortably and ideally it would be good if you have your own heart rate monitor although is is not essential.
It will equip you with new skills and also revitalise your running experience and enjoyment.
The camp will be taken by the founder of , a qualified trainer with specialisms in Speed and Strength for sport.
She has competed at 400m, cross country, half marathons and adventure racing.
Where: Brighton & Hove Seafront, 6am
Price: £65
To book visit