Tag Archives: Strength training

Resilient runners, Wednesday 4th December

Don't hold back with the training!

Don’t hold back with the training!

In order to become a better, more resilient runner, it’s important to also train the front and transverse planes of movement. Confused? That’s why we are here. Wednesday will once again focus on strength and conditioning that can benefit runners in numerous ways and help prevent injury.

The session will be in circuit formation and will involve some bodyweight exercises so bring a mat if you have one. We remain thorough on coaching correct technique so it’s still suitable for any one who hasn’t attended our sessions before.

MEET: Outside the lifeguard hut (corner of Hove Street and parking at King Alfred).

TIME: 7.30 -8.30 pm

COACH: Kate (07702 983744)

Book online here


Become a stronger, faster runner. Wednesday 20th November.

Light up your workout.

Light up your workout.

Lunge into half and full marathon season to help improve performance and reduce the risk of injury with regular strength and conditioning training. Most runners know the importance of this type of training but getting the balance right and having correct technique of effective running specific exercises can be hard when training alone. It’s not just for longer distance runners, any distance sees the benefits of strength and conditioning work. If you have a mat then please bring it (spares will be available) – there will be some core work and lower body exercises plus a small amount of running.

Meet: Lifeguard hut on the corner of Hove Street.

Time: 7.30 – 8.30pm

Coach: Kate 07702983744

Price: £5 payable online here  by choosing Weds fitness


Be an injury free runner with strength and conditioning workouts. Wednesday 23rd October.

FitBitch fun

FitBitch fun

Amsterdam completed, next up is the Brighton Brooks 10k. If you’re not already one of our regular runners then come and train with us for some amazing experiences and friendships. This Wednesday the session will be focusing on strength and conditioning work. Not just on our lower bodies but also the core and upper body. Core muscles are fundamental in stabilising us and the arms play their role too. Try running with your arms by your side! Stronger arms will help us gain power when running but don’t be alarmed, you won’t walk away looking like Popeye!

The session will be mainly compound exercises where you’ll be using a variety of muscle groups with a small amount of running thrown in. If you do have a mat them please bring it along.

PLACE AND TIME: Lifeguard hut, corner of Hove Street (parking at King Alfred car park) @ 7.30 pm

COACH: Kate (07702983744)

£5 please book online here

Strength and conditioning for runners. Wednesday 18th September.

Core for runners

Core for runners

Running is a fantastic form of exercise because all it takes is a pair of trainers.
But the more experienced you become, the more you realise that there is more to it than just plodding along the pavement.
Come to our next training session which will focus on strength and conditioning specifically for runners.
We will focus on legs, core and arm exercises designed to help build strength and improve speed and prevent injury.
This one hour session will mainly be specific exercises rather than a run, and will help give pointers on technique.

Meet Kate (07702983744) on the lawns adjacent to Hove Street by the life guard hut. Parking in King Alfred Centre. Please note, if you are doing our 0-5k BEGINNERS COURSE,  your coach Karen will also be meeting at this place.

TIME: 7.30 pm

Drop in fee: £5 to be paid online – annual members please use your code. Click here


Strength and conditioning for all abilities. Wednesday 28th August.

Conditioning for runners

Conditioning for runners

How will strength and conditioning benefit my running?

Strength and conditioning is exercise that allows the body to work with less stress during running. You will notice an improvement in all other areas of your fitness program. If you are just starting out, you may notice how running is difficult and your body doesn’t respond that well to some of the movements. When you begin conditioning, you allow the body to open up and work more easily during running.  Strength and conditioning will reduce your risk of injury, improve bone and joint health, assist in post workout muscle recovery, increase flexibility, decrease muscular soreness, improve both muscular and cardio endurance, and will just overall improve your running level.

MEET: Hove Park playground.

TIME: 7.30 -8.30pm

COACH: Kate. 07702983744

£5 via our online booking system (free to Rise runners – who have just started training with Fitbitch) but check the website for package deals and annual membership.

Up hill, down hill! Wednesday 7th August.

Conquering the hills.

Conquering the hills.


This Wednesday is a stamina hill workout to promote endurance and strength. There are plenty of other benefits to hill training which include increase in lower body strength  including the hip flexors (great for improving hip stability), improves stride frequency and length, neuromuscular co-ordination, and both aerobic and anaerobic power. Not forgetting the calories you burn as you sculpt your bottom half.

This session is suitable for all levels and we will be running repetitions at individual paces using the RPE scale, which will be explained during the warm up.

MEET: Bottom of Dukes Mound, Madeira Drive.

TIME: 7.30 – 8.30pm.

Coach: Kate. 07702983744.

Drop in: £5.



Wednesday 9th January – build up strength as a runner.

A strong runner doesn't only train on their feet.

A strong runner doesn’t only train on their feet.

Injury can cause havoc with your training if you do not train safely and effectively. To help prevent this, incorporate strength and conditioning work into your regime. The session will feature exercises that will:

  • Work on glute strength, proprioception and balance to get the glutes firing well and improve running performance.
  • Help to balance out quad and hamstring muscles.
  • Build strength in calves, glutes and thigh muscles. This will help reduce heel striking (stronger calves) and improve knee tracking.
  • Increase strength in hip muscles to prevent hips dropping.
  • Build up on core strength.

Don’t wait until injury has crept up on you – keep your body strong and conditioned so you can improve rather than rehabilitate. Full and half marathon runners, make sure you get some strength and training in before your mileage increases. New to running? Build up on your strength from the very beginning.

Location: Hove Promenade, bottom of Hove Street next to the lifeguard hut.

Coach: Kate 07702983744

Time: 7:30pm

Drop in £5


Become a better runner with strength and conditioning work. Wednesday 22nd February.

stability through conditioning can fast track your performance

There are many myths about strength training. People, especially females tend to stay clear of anything that involves lifting weights, with the belief that they will gain muscles to make Arnold Schwarzenegger proud. Let’s cast aside that myth and explain why it is beneficial to every runner (and non – runner too!).

The best way to embark on a running programme or continue as a runner, is to improve the functioning and dynamics of the body. Strength training isn’t just about lifting a heavy weight using one single muscle group, it’s about working the  body as a whole to increase power and balance. Fundamental factors used in running! Conditioning and strengthening our muscles improves our running ability and helps prevent injuries.

This is a must for you if you’re keen to start running and a must if you are already in training or enjoy running. If you have mats please bring them, if not they’ll be some spare.

Where: Hove Lawns. Far end, between the bottom of fourth and third avenue.

Time: 7:30pm

Trainer: Kate. 07702983744

£5 drop in. Please comment if you are joining us.

Wednesday 18th January. Become a conditioned runner and avoid injuries in your training.

Strength training to stay injury-free

Running injuries can be avoided if you strengthen, condition and stretch during the course of a training schedule. There’s no benefit to overlooking this part of training, or leaving it to days before a big event, such as a half or full marathon. For runners, muscular strength and efficiency are essential for maintaining the posture and joint ranges of motion associated with proper running techniques. This session will give you the opportunity to use equipment such as kettlebells to enhance your conditioning work and challenge your muscles.

As tempting is it may be to put the training in but fail to stretch, you will suffer with muscle soreness which could lead to injury. We will show you how to stretch safely before and after your workout. Combined with the regular conditioning work, your body will be protected from the rigours of the road.

Where: Hove Lawns (opposite the bottom of 3rd and 4th Avenue)

Time: 7:30pm

Trainer: Kate 07702983744

Please comment if you are joining us.

If you have gloves with some grip please wear them for kettlebell work.