Tag Archives: women

Brighton Half Marathon & Marathon Course

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If you’ve seen our photograpahs of our recent Amsterdam Half Marathon trip on our Facebook page, you will  have seen that training in a group together can make running fun, rewarding and help to ensure you make your distance even when you feel like staying in bed!

Now it’s your chance. Our Brighton Half Marathon training course starts on Weds 20th November.

What do you get:

  • 11 X Weds 7.30pm training sessions incorporating strength training to help prevent injury and make you more efficient
  • 10 X Sunday runs from 8.30am off road and on road to help you build you distance in a supportive environment, all with women training for the same race
  • A training plan, expert coaching guidance and fun

You can either book the entire course, or just Weds or Sundays. Drop ins will continue to be available for all but the most cost efficient way is to book the course. FULL course, £129 Sundays only £90.

We would also encourage those new to us, to book the course so we can work with you and develop your running with the right degree of attention.

PLEASE note, that the Sunday part of the course is ONLY open to runners who can currently, and regularly run four miles. If you need help reaching this mileage between now and Weds 19th, please get in touch for one to one help.

(FRunClub closes for Xmas December 22nd and returns on Sun Jan 5th)


Want to join our women only marathon training? You will need to fulfill the following pre-requisites

1. Train with us throughout our half marathon training to achieve a time of 2hrs 05mins or less so you can then join our 14, 15, 17, 19 and 21 miles training runs throughout Feb-April.

2. OR be able to send us a link to show your recent half marathon time of under 2hrs 5mins in which case, you will able to join just our long training runs in Febuary if you prefer.

This will allow our long run training group to stay together at a similar pace.  Our prices and booking for the half marathon to marathon training will be released in the next few weeks. Long run training will be led by Karen Russell, a veteran of three marathons and experienced in endurance running.

Our marathon coaches Rachael and Kate are also available for one to one marathon coaching (for men and women). BEtween them they’ve run 9 marathons, from Mumbai to New York, Lake Garda to London.

They help improve your technique, make you more efficient as a runner with strength and flex conditioning and help  with all your questions about nutrition, race psychology, training kit and more.



Pace training, Weds 16th October



Whether you are new to us or one of our regulars, our Weds sessions are suitable for all.

This week, a session to help you learn techniques to improve your speed. It will send your endorphin levels sky high and is a great fitness blast.

New members please fill in our online Joining form before attending.

Drop ins are £5 and must be paid online HERE .

Location: the lawns adjacent to Hove Street South

Time: 7.25pm for a 7.30pm start

Coach Rachael

New courses starting this week

Whether you are a beginner, someone returning to running or one of our regulars, don’t miss our course to 10k or 10miles training for the truly spectacular BlueBell Trail Race, April 21st.

This course is a 12 week one starting at four miles for both groups but will build gradually, particularly in the 10k group aimed at beginners and beg-intermediates.

Our 10mile training group will be developing speed particularly on longer runs so are more suited for intermediate runners and to those able to run at a certain pace (unsure if this will be suitable for you? Give us a call).

WE start TONIGHT but if you miss this session, you are free to join at any time although if you are a beginner then do try to come this Sunday or next week.

Details about courses and booking are here. Questions? Email info@fitbitchbootcamp.com or call Rachael 07855 742195.

Don’t let your nerves get in the way of you missing these awe-inspiring, endorphin boosting…and body changing runs!

Interval training, Weds 28th Nov

Catapult training!

Get ready for a blast of a running session.

Whether you are trying our club for the first time, or training with us for the Brighton marathon or half marathon, this session will work on improving your ability to run and work at a higher intensity.

We will also be adding some conditioning work into this session and it is VITAL to tell us here if you will be attending so that we can plan accordingly.

Coach: Rachael

when: 7.30pm – don’t be late!

Where: Lawns adjacent to Hove Street

Cost: £5 drop in



Sign up for the 12 weeks to Half Marathon Plan

Fitbitch Run club, opens the way to new running achievements


Are you a runner seeking a Personal Best at this year’s half marathon? Or have you just completed the Brighton Brooks 10k package with us and feel inspired to try your hand – or rather, your running legs, at crossing the line at the Brighton or Tunbridge Wells Half?

Yes? Then sign up to our 12 weeks to the Brighton Half package, choosing two sessions per week £132 or one session per week £75, including race t-shirt, training plan and ongoing email and Twitter support. It assumes you can already run 6miles.

Training plan starts from Monday – don’t miss it! Sign up here

Beginner Runners & Beyond – the new season

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Don’t miss our next beginners to 10 package for the Brooks 10k starting Weds 24th September

Signed up for the Brighton marathon – don’t miss the  start of our training particularly if you are a beginner – 29th October

If you are already part of our running community, you will have seen all our pictures from our recent race at the Firle Half Marathon and 10k last weekend.

It was a fantastic day of incredible achievements from all. Over a third of our runners  started as beginners, so huge congratulations to Suzy Curd on her first ever half marathon (and a huuugely hilly one!) and our first time 10k runners (or first for a while!) Amy, Kathryn, Penny and Sara who only joined us just a little over eight weeks ago.

And to Karen Napleton who was the third fastest female and Suzanne Ford who showed amazing grit and determination. So many runners to mention but you were all fab!

If you have been inspired by them, or run in Firle and are now looking for your next challenge – or just a race to help you maintain your newfound running mojo, here are our next upcoming dates for 2012 and beyond (the first date indicates the race date – some tbc as they are not released yet, and the second when training starts).

If you would like to join us, you can come to any session for £5 drop in or book a package of runs (currently only the Brooks 10k package is available for booking online and our annual membership – new prices will be released for remaining packages).

Please note, we will also be releasing two ‘performance’ events next season including an adventure race and a further trail race for those looking for something different.


* Oct 7th Rise Undercliff 8k for Women, training has started £5 drop in
(available as a relay of 2k for four runners)

* Nov 18th Brooks 10k, training starts Weds 26th Sept Book here

Dec 9th Mince Pie 10miles


* Feb 17th Brighton Half Marathon, training starts 29th October

* Feb 24th Tunbridge Wells Half Marathon, starts 29th October

* March 3, INTERNATIONAL Antalya Half Marathon, Turkey, training starts 5 November

* April 14th Brighton Marathon 24 week beginners training starts 29th October, beg-int 20 weeks starts 26th November, SOS ‘argh left it too late’ rescue starts 7th Jan

* April 21st BlueBell 10k and 10miles trail

* 8th June South Downs Marathon, Half Marathon and Marathon Relay

* 24th June, North Devon Trail Half Marathon and Marathon

Are you inspired? Join us

Our Brighton Marathon crew

As I write this, it’s exactly 9am on Sunday 15th April, just as our marathon runners, who have been training since November 2011 prepare to cross the start line of the Brighton Marathon, 2012.

Before you think they must all be seasoned runners, think again. For every one of our runners it is their first ever marathon. They are mums, girls about town, just like you.

Whatever distance you would like to train for, be it 5k, a marthon or even an ultramarathon, we can you help you.

Our next training packages start April 30th, although Wednesday sessions at 7.30pm can be dropped in on whenever you like and are suitable for ALL levels.

Upcoming races we will be doing training packages for include beginners to 10k, half marathon and a full marathon in Lake Garda. Come join us!

Running School starts Monday 19th March

Feel like this about running


Learn how to run efficiently and safeguard against the development of injuries with our one week, (1hr Mon-Fri) school.

Whether you are a total beginner or someone looking to improve these schools have been carefully designed to help analyse your running style and help you to build up and strengthen your foundations.

Our last batch of running school members started off as beginners (not able to run 5k). They graduated, joined our running club and three to four months later crossed the line of the Brighton Half Marathon.

Whatever your level, expect to graduate having learned a whole range of new skills and transformed the way you think about running. And feel ready to take on any challenge!

This school will be taught by the founder of Fitbitch, Rachael Woolston, who is also a yoga for runners teacher with a strong background in biomechanics.

Spaces available in both 6am and 7am schools at Hove for both men and women.. Price, £65. Book with a friend before Tuesday 13th March 6pm and one of you will be half price.

Building distance: Training Saturday 25th Feb, 8.30am

See your running take off with our training

Beginners, returners to runners, last week’s Half Marathon runners and our ongoing Brighton Marathon Running Group, this run is for all of you.

To ensure enough coaches for all the different levels we have again switched it to this Saturday but this is NOT a regular thing. It will be Sunday usually.

Beginners/Returners – your choice is a 3 or 5mile flat route (out and back) to help build your confidence and for you to focus on your technique and posture when you are running. Coach: Melissa

Berlin Runners/or those want to keep their distance up – an 8 mile there and back route, mostly flat but with some off road elements perfect to keep your endurance running muscles but with a recovery type run after last week’s Half Marathon. Coach:Rachae

Marathon Runners: our ongoing marathon runners will take a longer route off-road before returning to the flat for a 14mile run. Coach: Kate


ALL THE ROUTES are available to view at mapmyrun.com if you ask to be the friend of the FitBitch Running Club. However, access to the many routes that you can use for your own training are only open to those with annual membership, or those who have previously been part of a training group with us, or are currently paying for a training package.

To give those going the longer route some idea of the route it will head up to the Marina before going off-road over Ovingdean (and then Rottingdean if with the marathon group) before heading back along the seafront.

Location: Hove Lawns Cafe (NOT the one near the Peace Statue)

Time: 8.30am, Saturday

Drop in: £5