Tag Archives: how to run faster

Become a stronger runner. Wednesday 12th September Hills and conditioning.

Core Conditioning for runners

Running isn’t just about putting one foot in front of the other. Runners need strong, conditioned muscles and although the legs do the work,  stable core strength is required. Wednesdays session will target all over muscle strength including the glutes to improve hamstring and calf flexibility. There are hills involved to help with the strength work as well as increasing cardio performance.

With the Firle runs last Sunday being a huge success, we have flatter runs on our current training plans. After some hill and conditioning training, the flat runs seem that little bit easier. Rise and Garda runners, they are a must! Plus there will be a chance to mix up your training with some fun activities I promise!

Meet: In front of Peter Pan playground. Madeira Drive. If you have a foam roller and a mat then please bring them.

Time 7.30 – 8.30 pm

Coach: Kate. 07702983744

Drop in £5.

Please comment and wear wrist bands if you have them.

Working on strength and speed. Wednesday 18th July.

There’s no holding a FitBitch back.

Non-beginners this Wednesday the focus is on strength and conditioning with some high intensity runs thrown in.

Running requires good coordination of the muscles working together, including the core. Having a varied programme of strength and conditioning exercises in your running schedule will augment the capacity of your cardiovascular system and help prevent injury. You will only see improvements  when you work your body out of its comfort zone. If you want to run further, faster or non-stop up the hills this training session is a must.

Please bring a skipping rope and a mat if you have them.

Meet: Opposite Peter Pan’s playground. Madeira Drive.

Coach: Kate 07702983744

Time: 7:30 – 8:30 pm



Cadence & Conditioning, Weds Augs10th, 7.30pm

Cadence & Conditioning

Join us this Wednesday for a session that will work on running cadence, or the number of times your foot hits the floor. The faster the cadence, the faster you can run.
Kenyan runners often look like they’re floating across the ground and at a cadence of greater than 100, they almost are.
But it’s not just that it makes you faster, but with less contact on the ground, the less chance of injury.
This session will work on conditioning to improve your cadence with a few stairs, with an extra added hill element for those who are conditioned runners.
Don’t be put off by the thought of this – it is suitable for everyone no matter what your level as we will adapt accordingly.
(**if you are suffering from Achilles or shin splints dont’ do this session).
Trainer: Rachael
Drop in: £5
Location: meet Peter pan playground, Madeira Drive
Bring yoga mats for stretching at the end
If you have ever watched an elite Kenyan run, you will see that they look like they float across the ground, and at a cadence greater than 100, they almost are. Their ground contact time is very low, which means they touch the ground, and get off the ground very quickly. The shorter your ground contact time, the less chance for injury.

Tempo Training, Weds 3rd August, 7.30pm

Get ready for speed

Tempo training, lactate threshold, what does it all mean and does it really matter?

Yes, is the short answer. Tempo training, or running at a pace which feels uncomfortable, is vital if you want to improve your speed.

I can already hear you beginners thinking, ‘Ahh, but that’s not me. I just want to get around my local park and I don’t care if I do it at a snail’s pace.’

But tempo training is great for All levels because the training variation helps prevent injuries by challenging your movement patterns, it makes it more interesting AND tempo training recruits more muscle fibres so it’s great for strength and conditioning (and a better bikini bum!).

As for the science behind it, tempo training helps improve your metabolic fitness, or  your body’s ability to use oxygen for metabolism more efficiently.

How? By increasing your lactate threshold. Before you glaze over, stick with me because understanding what this means will help you realise what you are experiencing and  why.

Your lactate threshold is the point at which your muscles can no longer get rid of the byproducts of oxygen metabolism, lactate acid and hydrogen ions. This results in fatigue and the feeling of having jelly legs (stairway to hell ring any bells any camp graduates?)

But if you do tempo training, you can increase your lactate threshold meaning your muscles can keep working for longer and you can run further and faster.

Don’t worry if you’re a beginner as we will be varying the session and you won’t be expected to run as fast as someone who has been running for a long time.

We will warm up slowly, and then beginners will run 4 x 1 lap of Hove Park.

Advanced, we will be warming up and run just over 5k at tempo (3 laps of Hove Park).

We will finish with FitBitch Yoga for Runners.

Location: Hove Park, meet at the Cafe.

Time: 7.30pm

Drop in: £5

Advanced: Rachael

Beginners: Melissa